
Showing posts from June, 2019

Various Risk Factors Associated With Cataract Treatment - JP Eye Hospital

Just like any surgery, Best Cataract Treatment in Chandigarh and Mohali has risks like infection. The Best Cataract Specialists in Chandigarh advise the patient several precautions and ask to stop taking medicines as it increases bleeding danger while surgery. After surgery, extra care needs to be given to the eyes and the patient must not touch them without properly washing the hands and use prescribed medications to minimize the chances of any infection. The serious types of infection might lead to loss of vision. Even Best Cataract Treatment in Chandigarh and Mohali may lead to rise in the danger of retinal detachment even after removing cataract from eyes. One of the common symptoms of retinal detachment is rise in flashes or floaters. Floaters are small cobwebs in the field of vision. Retinal detachment must be given adequate attention as it calls for medical urgency. Medications for cataract treatment prevent such issues. Also early detection of eye illness prevents l...