All You Need To Know About Cataract Surgery - JP Eye Hospital
Cataract Surgery in Mohali Chandigarh is a procedure that is performed to remove cataracts from the eyes. A person who is considered a good candidate for this type of surgery is someone who has cataracts so bad that they make it difficult to perform everyday tasks. Only an optometrist can decide whether or not cataract surgery is right for an individual. Although this surgery is considered safe, just like all other operations there are quite a few risks involved. Some of those risks include: inflammation, retinal detachment, swelling, and glaucoma. The chances of any complications happening are minimal and if a person does have any problems with cataract surgery, they can usually be corrected easily. There are many things that a patient and a physician can do to prepare for Cataract Surgery in Mohali Chandigarh . Prior to performing surgery, the physician does extensive testing on the eye which will help him or her determine what type of lens to put in the eye. The optometrist ...