Pros & Cons of Lasik Eye Surgery - JP Eye Hospital

The moment you wake up, you put your eyes to work. You check the clock, choose your clothes, and see what you have in your fridge - all these with the help of your sense of sight. So, when things become slightly hazy, you can see how this is such a nuisance. You squint every single time you try to stare at something. You have to search for your glasses or make time in your morning routine to put on a pair of lenses. Then, if you do decide to go out, you have to be extra careful that your contacts don't fall out when you swim. So, you keep your eyes shut tight when you submerge yourself in water, and when you do accidentally open your eyes, you'll have to get a new pair because the ones you have floated out.

If wearing lenses is such a chore for you, it seems as if Lasik Eye Surgery in Chandigarh may be your best option for now. But before you go and proceed with the whole thing, you also have to know what you're getting into. Right now, it's time that you familiarize yourself with the list of its pros and cons. While technology used has already been perfected, there are always risks involved. If you want the procedure to be successful, then you definitely have to start with a great Eye Doctor in Chandigarh. Ask around and get referrals for this so that you can proceed with your decision with a lot of confidence.

Once you have a chance to chat with your eye specialist, its best that you ask as many questions as possible. They should be more than happy to answer you. It also helps to start researching during your spare time. This way, you'll have your expectations set.
1.     Technology has improved over the past several years.
2.     Doctors are now capable of administering pre-screening tests to check if this option is right for you.
3.     You can have your old vision back.
4.     You can enjoy outdoor activities. Just give your eyes time to rest and recover. After that, you can do whatever you please.
5.     You don't have to deal with problems related to the overuse of your lenses.
6.     The entire procedure only takes a few minutes to complete. Then, you'll be asked to go home to sleep. When you wake, you will see the big difference in your eyesight.
1.     The procedure is rather expensive, especially for the budget-conscious.
2.     This isn't covered by your health insurance, which means that you do have to dig into your budget.
3.     If you're not careful with your choice of eye doctor, you could experience bigger problems. Some patients have reported to seeing double, but the good news is that this problem can be easily and quickly corrected.
4.     Lasik Eye Surgery in Chandigarh surgery isn't for people with optical nerve problems.
5.     You can suffer from what doctors like to call the dry eye syndrome. This happens when the doctor you choose is careless.
6.     It is said that people who suffer from farsightedness will still need glasses in the long run.

JP Eye Hospital is the Best Laser Eye Surgery Centre in Chandigarh Mohali.


  1. Eye Care Tips<a href="url:
    There are things you can do to help keep your eyes healthy and make sure you are seeing your best
    Eat a healthy, balanced diet.</b></a> Your diet should include plenty or fruits and vegetables, especially deep yellow and green leafy vegetables.
    Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight or having obesity increases your risk of developing diabetes. Having diabetes puts you at higher
    risk of getting diabetic retinopathy or glaucoma

  2. Eye Care Tips<a href="url:
    There are things you can do to help keep your eyes healthy and make sure you are seeing your best
    Eat a healthy, balanced diet.</b></a> Your diet should include plenty or fruits and vegetables, especially deep yellow and green leafy vegetables.
    Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight or having obesity increases your risk of developing diabetes. Having diabetes puts you at higher
    risk of getting diabetic retinopathy or glaucoma


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