6 Eye Care Tips for Strong Vision. JP Eye Hospital
God's greatest gift is eyes, and eyesight is your main organ that helps you to lead a normal life. The blind cannot tell you the real importance of vision and eyes. It's only you who can realize it, by simply closing your eyes for 20 to 30 minutes. The darkness that surrounds you will lead you to fear and understands the importance of vision. Eye Specialist in Mohali Chandigarh agrees with the fact that proactive care for eyes and following tips by specialist can benefit hugely in the long run. It also ensures maximum protection of your eyes. Now let's check significant advice to get rid of the fear of losing our eye sight with advancing age and sometimes even kids are vulnerable to loss of eyesight. Tips for Keeping Eyesight Healthy: 1. Planned Diet: The best advice by Eye Specialist in Mohali Chandigarh for healthy eyes and eyesight starts with including green vegetables and fruits in your diet. The diet that contains fresh fruits, raw green vegetable...